Here are all the formats we currently have support for, and are able to process and generate reports from. If you have a format you would like to see supported, please reach out to us.
Coverage Clover
Clover is a popular Code Coverage format, and is supported by many test frameworks. It is an XML format that contains information about the code coverage of your tests.
We currently support pulling the following data from Clover files:
- Line Coverage
- Element Coverage
- Statement Coverage
- Method Coverage
- Conditional Coverage
- Cyclomatic Complexity and Change Risk Anti-Patterns
- Class names
Cobertura is another popular Code Coverage format, and is supported by many test frameworks. It is an XML format that contains information about the code coverage of your tests.
We currently support pulling the following data from Cobertura files:
- Line Coverage
- Cyclomatic Complexity and Change Risk Anti-Patterns
- Class names
LCOV is a code coverage format commonly used with gcov and other coverage tools.
We currently support pulling the following data from LCOV files:
- Line Coverage
PestPHP: Type Coverage
We have contributed support for PestPHP Type Coverage to the PestPHP project.
We currently support pulling the following data from PestPHP Type Coverage files:
- Line Type Coverage and the type that is missing (return type, ...)